Friday, October 2, 2009

Whats exactly qualifies as special??

When I started my job as a freelancer, I got into alot of debts as a result of low capital and high expectations. Some call it optimism, I just call it being stupid. Anyway, I had many debts of little proportions scattered all over my friends debt books. I owed Elly 15,000, Tosh this and Pirez that!! It was dreadful! I however managed to pay the debts till I had only one left. Elly's debt. Suprisingly, when I approached Elly to discuss the issue, he told me that he didn't consider the amount a debt. He just figured he was helping me start a new career. I was dazzled at first but later when I was alone, I thought profoundly about the issue! How can someone of equal starndards as I do that? Why was he doing it? I mean, I honestly was planning to pay him back but why did he stop me? Did this deed qualify as Special? or Was he just having a good day? To this day I haven't figured out a single answer to those questions. But what I know for sure, is that Elly is among the few people in my life who I consider "Special".

After that incident I decided to be special myself! I am still in search of something special I've done so far that deserves publication :) Till then, I'll keep on writing about my "Normal" life.